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Business Level (Version 3.4x)

Version 3 (Business Level) has all the functionality that is in the Version 2.
You may wish to review the information on Version 2 for an introduction to these features before proceeding with the introduction to Version 3.  Version 3 differs from Version 2 in more than just an increase in functionality.  One of the main differences is the ability to track all workplace incidents and absences.

The design of the WSIB System Navigator (Business Level) was developed to mimic the work paradigm that a user would already follow in managing a claim in the paper world.

In the paper world, a user would collect all the relevant information on a claim and write these facts down on one or more forms. These forms would be assembled into a manila folder, which would be labeled and stored in a filing cabinet. Reminders of what to do on each incident would be stored either on the folder (in an ever increasing mural of sticky notes...) or entered in a separate notebook. A listing of the costs associated with the incident would also be filed in this folder. Eventually the information in this folder would be combined with the information in all the other folders in the filing cabinet to produce reports.

The WSIB System Navigator borrows this work paradigm and puts it on the computer. The center unit of work of the system is the Incident Folder. This is the computer representation of the manila folder that the user would have used in the paper world.

Because the focus has shifted to the Incident, there are a number of changes made to the WSIB System Navigator (Version 3). The major difference is that the system now tracks all incidents to workers in the workplace. Worker's Safety and Insurance Board Claims are now a sub set of Incidents. This means that although all Claims are Incidents, not all Incidents are necessarily Claims.

Each Incident is automatically assigned a unique Identification Number. This number is used to identify the specific incident throughout the system.

When the user enters a new Incident, they are prompted to identify a classification for this incident. The possible classifications are:

Investigation (Type of Incident Unknown at this time)
First Aid Only
No Lost Time
Lost Time

Due to the expansion of the system it is now possible to track more than just WSIB related Incidents. The user can now enter and store information on First Aid Only Incidents. As well, an Incident that involves time lost from the workplace may not necessarily be a WSIB reportable claim. The system will still allow the user to track this incident and prepare a report on this absence.

Costs associated with an Incident have also been broken down into two types, WSIB related costs (all the costs that appear on the company's Monthly Cost Statement) and Non-WSIB related costs. The user can now track and report on all costs associated with an Incident whether they are WSIB related or not.

As the WSIB System Navigator broadened its focus, it was recommended that the Employee Information be broken down and made a separate unit of work. There is now a section to store this data that is independent of any Incidents on the system. It is now possible to store data on a worker even if they do not at present have an incident entered into the program.

Another major addition to the WSIB System Navigator is a true Incident/Claim Management capability. The user can now track the Incident/Claim and manage every step of the Claim process.

The WSIB forms are now contained within the Incident Folder under the Forms Section.

As the amount of information that the system captures has increased, so have the methods of using this information and retrieving it. Version 3 now has an advanced Report Writer with the functionality for the user to design their own reports. There is also a Graph Maker that allows the user to present the information in a Bar Graph format. Beyond the Report Writer and Graph Maker, the system presents the ability to produce pre-formatted reports at various points. These reports are generated at the point of work, removing the requirement of the user leaving the screen where the report is centered. For example, when the user brings up a list of all the claims on the system, the Toolbar will change to give the user an opportunity to print a pre-formatted report based on the list that is displayed. This means that the user does not have to go to a different section to bring up a report that is based on this unit of work.

In keeping with the intuitive style of the previous versions, Version 3 presents each unit of work in a clear and concise manner, allowing the user to be productive without an onerous learning curve. Information is broken down into specific sections. There is an Employee Information section that traps all the relevant information on the worker. Even though this section is separate from the Incident section, the information entered in the Employee Information section is used to pre-fill data in the Incident Section.

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